Mrs. Larisa Schelkin

Larisa K. Schelkin CEO, President and Founder, Global STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Education Center, Inc. 501(c) (3) nonprofit corporation; She is a President and Founder of the Global STEM Education Consulting, LLC. Larisa is a teaching faculty at the United National Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Global Diplomacy Initiative Fellowship Program and at the UN General Assembly President’s Fellowship “HOPE”; she teaches courses on Science Diplomacy, Sustainable Development Goals, Global Environmental Outlook, UN Environmental program, NASA GLOBE education. Larisa is a UNITAR Fellow on Global Diplomacy (Class 2021), a Fellow on Education Policy, Institute for Education Leadership (IEL), Washington, DC (Class 2015) and a Fellow and Board member of Massachusetts Academy of Science. She is serving on the Governing Board of the Larisa held executive positions both in academia & global STEM corporations (WPI, WIT, Tufts University; TYCO Electronics Global Corporation). She has more than 20 years of professional experiences in engineering research and development; in addition to her engineering and computer science degrees Larisa studied Global Education at Harvard University Graduate School of Education “Think Tank” in Spring 2015 - 2019; She studied Media and Technology in Education at Harvard University Graduate School of Education (Certificate, 2021) and Disruptive Strategies at Harvard Business School Online (Certificate, 2020); Larisa is a NASA GLOBE Partner, GLOBE educator, NASA GLOBE International STEM Network member (GISN), GLOBE IVSS judge, GLOBE SRS Leadership team member; Larisa Schelkin is the author of the Global STEM Classroom ® teaching and learning model. She has developed over 35 Global STEM projects and established partnerships with K-12 schools & universities in 12 countries. Larisa is a strong advocate for science diplomacy, for women in science and engineering and for diversity and inclusion in STEM; Larisa is a proud member of AAAS, INWES, SWE, ASEE, ISTE. She holds BS and MS in Petroleum Engineering & MS in Computer Science. Prior to moving to Massachusetts, USA, Larisa and her family lived in Bashkortostan, Russia, India, and Africa.

A woman in blue shirt and black hair.

Mrs. Larisa Schelkin

President, Global STEM Education Center, Inc
GTEC - Global Technology & Engineering Consortium
Member and Clerk, Science Diplomacy Center™