
A group of people climbing up the side of a mountain.

Next-Generation Science Diplomat Committee

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | April 21, 2024

The University of the Arctic (UArctic) Thematic Network on Science Diplomacy has created a Next-Generation Science Diplomat Committee that is being co-led by: Dr. Susana Hancock (President 2022-2023 of the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists – APECS; Science Manager for Arctic  Basecamp; Scientist with The Greenland Project and B2BI North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Strategic Framework);…

A large building with many flags in the middle of it


By Science Diplomacy Center™ | April 11, 2024

There is global urgency, short-to-long term, to enhance diplomatic relations among nations and other actors across our globally-interconnected civilization. The 2023 Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation highlighted that “diplomacy’s methods, its key institutions and conventions were agreed more than six decades ago.”  In specific, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was signed in 1961,…

A poster with the words " 3 time zones, one purpose : save our planet ".

GIYSCC-2024 Circling the Earth With Global Inclusion

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | April 3, 2024

Episode 2 of the Podcast Initiative with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) – an interview with Prof. Paul Arthur Berkman hosted by Ms. Seira Duncan, 2022 IASC Fellow (Social & Human Working Group) – describes the history of the Global Indigenous Youth Summit on Climate Change (GIYSCC) on August 9th, which grew from the…

A logo for the aasco.


By Science Diplomacy Center™ | March 28, 2024

The Arena for the gap analysis of the existing Arctic Science Co-Operations (AASCO-2) project began its 2023-2025 dialogue in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, during the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) on 23-24 March 2024. This transdisciplinary project is funded by the Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco with the University of the Arctic (UArctic) as a…

A picture of the earth taken from space.

Conflict or Common Interests? Negotiation Choices with Science Diplomacy

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | March 15, 2024

The Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution series is sponsored by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. The seminar considers ways to strengthen the capacity to prevent, resolve, and transform ethnonational conflicts. Part One of a two-part Kelman Seminar series on common-interest building in negotiation…

A yellow building with two windows and a large roof.

European Union Science Diplomacy Working Group Initiative (Vienna, Austria – March 2024)

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | March 12, 2024

European Union Science Diplomacy Working Group 4 (WG4) on building capacity for European science diplomacy convened a two-day co-creation workshop during 6-7 March 2024, hosted by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analyses (IIASA) and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. The initiative, announced by the European Commission in 2023, emerged from the Global Approach Implementation…

A black and white image of an international geophysical year logo.

Cold War Lessons for Arctic Diplomacy

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | March 1, 2024

The attached Correspondence about Russia’s Arctic Council Threat Requires Lessons from Cold War Science Diplomacy was written by Prof. Paul Arthur Berkman and published in published in Nature on 29 February 2024: Russia’s threat to withdraw from the Arctic Council is a matter for global concern, with burning cold-war security issues becoming hot again. Since…

A map of the arctic with information about climate change.

Building Bridges Between the Arctic and Asia

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | March 1, 2024

The 2nd Hokkaido Arctic Initiative for Future Earth and SDG’s (HAI-FES) International Workshop on “Building Bridges between the Arctic and Asia” was convened in Sapporo, Japan, at Hokkaido University on 27 February 2024. Prof. Paul Arthur Berkman shared observations about Science Diplomacy with Informed Decisionmaking Empowers Arctic Sustainable Development.

A group of people that are standing up.

Arctic Science Diplomacy: Charting a Path Through Conflict

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | February 21, 2024

The Arctic Science Diplomacy: Charting a Path Through Conflict panel was convened at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Denver on 15 February 2024. This session was organized and moderated by Prof. Saleem Ali from the University of Delaware to consider: How might science diplomacy mitigate the new Cold…

A red globe with flags on it and the words " navigo collaboration."

Navigating Collaborative Futures

By Science Diplomacy Center™ | February 14, 2024

Sponsored by Global Affairs Canada, the International Science and Technology Partnership (ISTP) expert panel was convened by the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) to answer the question: In a post-COVID world, how can Canadian public, private and academic organizations evaluate and prioritize STI partnership opportunities with foreign countries to achieve key national objectives, using indicators…