The Rights of Nature as a Pathway for Consensus Building and Relational Planning

The Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution series is sponsored by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. The seminar considers ways to strengthen the capacity to prevent, resolve, and transform ethnonational conflicts. Part Two of a two-part Kelman Seminar series on common-interest building in negotiation…

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Next-Generation Science Diplomat Committee

The University of the Arctic (UArctic) Thematic Network on Science Diplomacy has created a Next-Generation Science Diplomat Committee that is being co-led by: Dr. Susana Hancock (President 2022-2023 of the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists – APECS; Science Manager for Arctic  Basecamp; Scientist with The Greenland Project and B2BI North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Strategic Framework);…

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There is global urgency, short-to-long term, to enhance diplomatic relations among nations and other actors across our globally-interconnected civilization. The 2023 Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation highlighted that “diplomacy’s methods, its key institutions and conventions were agreed more than six decades ago.”  In specific, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was signed in 1961,…

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